ICC Belfast hosts All Ireland Sustainability Summit
Business leaders and officials from across the Island of Ireland will be gathering at ICC Belfast
Venue partner, on 09 June 2022 for the first All-Ireland Sustainability Summit, where attendees will have an opportunity to put sustainability firmly on their radar for 2022 and beyond.

The event, organised by Danielle McCormick, Triterra, and Gordon Boyd, G.B. Associates, is sponsored by International Synergies NI and supported by NIE Networks, with the aim of raising the profile of the wider sustainability agenda and helping companies create positive change within their own organisations.
Danielle McCormick, Owner and Lead Consultant at sustainability consultancy, Triterra, comments “There has been a huge shift in businesses adopting more sustainable practices over the past couple of years and feel that this has really come in to play across Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland in more recent months.”
She continued “Research from HSBC has revealed that 78% of UK businesses expect sales to grow over the next year as a result of an increased focus on sustainability, with the main reasons cited including improving operational efficiency (26%), meet regulatory requirements (26%) and to gain a reputational advantage (24%)."
In organising this event we were keen to help businesses transition towards a more sustainable and profitable business model that could also see benefits for the environment, the wider economy and society as a whole.
Lead Sponsor spokesperson, Jacqueline Gibson from International Synergies NI comments “We are delighted to come onboard for this event as resource efficiency is at the very core of our business delivery. We want to enable organisations to move towards more sustainable business models that stand the test of time, ensuring that increased profit, and positive impacts for people and the planet are met in equal measure.”
Julia Corkey, Chief Executive of ICC Belfast | Waterfront Hall | Ulster Hall, the venue partner, adds “We are seeing more and more of our Association and Corporate clients beginning to embrace the green agenda, and keen to introduce sustainability measures into their events and conferences.
We have also committed to a Green Tourism journey, having achieved our green meetings accolade in January this year.
We are proud to partner with Danielle and Gordon to deliver such a valuable, and inspirational event for stakeholders across the region as sustainability continues to be a priority for businesses.”
Judy McElroy, Sustainability & Environment Manager at NIE Networks, continued by stating “At NIE Networks we are committed to delivering a sustainable energy system for all by leading the transition to a low carbon future in Northern Ireland. We are committed to working towards decarbonising the electricity sector while also reducing the carbon footprint of our operations.
We are embracing our own sustainability journey, so that we can effect positive change for our customers, employees and our environment.
"We are delighted to support the summit and help lead the way in creating positive change within the sustainability space.”
The All-Ireland Sustainability Summit has something to offer all sectors through its lively mix of presentations, panel discussions, case studies and networking opportunities, and promises a fantastic line up of speakers and industry experts from across Northern Ireland, the Republic of Ireland and beyond, with an event that is designed to take attendees on a journey from the ‘what’, to the ‘how’ within their business.
Gordon Boyd, G.B Associates, ends by saying “There are a huge range of benefits to be had for organisations who choose to integrate sustainability into their business models, and with future legislation changes, increasing operational costs and changing customer demands, we fully expect sustainability to become an essential element to the future of business.”
Tickets are available at a cost of £70 per person via: www.allirelandsustainability.com, and a limited number of opportunities also remain available for those keen to participate or exhibit.