SistersIN pupil shares five key takeaways
SistersIN lead pupil Caoimhe Roe shares her five key takeaways from the SistersIN Leadership programme.

Name: Caoimhe Roe
School: Assumption Grammar School
Age: 17
Subjects studying: Biology, Chemistry, Drama and Theatre Studies
What is your role in the SistersIN programme?
I am the lead pupil from Assumption Grammar School and I am working alongside the lead pupils from nine other schools, as well as the ICC Belfast team in organising the first ever SistersIN Celebration event which is taking place on the 24 March 2023 at ICC Belfast.
What are your five key takeaways from participating in the SistersIN programme?
- On 07 March I participated in a job shadow day at ICC Belfast where I was able to view a typical day of my mentor Oonagh O’Reilly, and her colleagues. It was amazing to watch everything that happens behind the scenes for planning an event and how much work it takes. I attended their Event Planning meeting where I watched the entire ICC Belfast team work together to ensure that events run as smoothly as possible.
- Each week I participated in a Scrum meeting along with the nine other lead pupils and ICC Team. This meeting allowed us to discuss what we accomplished in the week. This enabled us to keep a weekly track of completed tasks and what we needed to focus on before the next meeting. We were also able to discuss any problems that we had become aware of, and the ICC team would offer us guidance and assist in resolving the issue. These meetings ensured that each week we were all effectively communicating with each other so that all deadlines were being met.
SistersIN lead pupil Caoimhe Roe with ICC Belfast mentor Oonagh O'Reilly - I have an amazing mentor from ICC Belfast, Oonagh O’Reilly. Oonagh is truly inspiring me to become the best version of myself. She has taught me, through our mentoring sessions, how to become an effective leader and I will continue to use these leadership skills in the future. She has also enlightened me on how to work well in a team. The main thing I took away from this was to ‘always have each others backs.’ I am so glad that I was paired up with Oonagh in September, and I couldn’t have asked for a better mentor, we are very suited to each other. She is always very willing to help me out whenever I need it and she is now one of the biggest role models in my life!
- Throughout the SistersIN experience, I have met many new people who have helped guide me along the way. However, I have become notably very friendly with the nine other lead girls, and have now made friendships that will hopefully last a lifetime. It was incredible to work alongside and get to know these nine girls, who otherwise I would have never met. I will be sure to keep in contact with them in the future.
- One of the most challenging, yet rewarding experiences from SistersIN was learning how to film and edit a video. As the lead pupil, one of our jobs was to create a video, showcasing all of the leadership projects that took place in our school to showcase at the celebration event. I am now able to film, and edit a video whole still making it look professional which is a skill I would have never learnt if I didn't participate in the SistersIN programme.
SistersIN Celebration event takes place at ICC Belfast 24 March 2023. Visit sisters-in.org for more information.